Puppet on a String Picture It and Write and Wordle 218


Like a puppet on a string
I spin as the music plays
I’m dressed as a woman with big bust
I visit people as expected
I exist according to the system
But as I sigh and kick my heels
I know that I should change
It’s such a mess if I continue like so
I should do what I like, whatever it is
They can’t command me anymore
I shouldn’t just follow the system
I dance slowly even when the music’s fast
I dress up the way I want in any style
I visit people only when it appeals to me
Enough being a puppet on a string
I came up trumps, cutting off my string

by brenda warren

by brenda warren

For: Picture it & Write and Wordle #218

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  1. Jae Rose · September 28, 2015

    Yes indeed – there are some strings we need to cut in order to appreciate ourselves and most importantly be ourselves

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Keith Hillman · September 28, 2015

    Good for you! Why conform? I don’t, I won’t.
    This story scared me and I wrote it!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. afairymind · September 29, 2015

    Conformity is overrated! Good poem. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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