She Used To Have Everything


She was putting up the ornaments. Some of them they’d bought together back then. Most of the ones they purchased in that little shop in that little lane were long gone. So was he. The tree used to be bigger back then, but so was the house she shared with him and the kids. The kids… They would be here soon. Carefully she picked another ornament, making sure she wouldn’t drop it.

Please continue…

No, she wouldn’t drop anything anymore. She blinked and a tear fell from her right eye. She used to have a basket full of ripe fruit and vegetables, a nest full of eggs and birds, a house with a garden, a husband and two perfect kids – she used to have everything. She thought she had reached the stars but because she wasn’t clever, they were all taken out of her hand. One mistake, one passion for pump flesh, someone younger, who by the way, didn’t stay with her long – and she lost everything. How she wish she has another chance, to make amends. She has seen her errors and now she wants to go back to where she was.

by brenda warren

For: Finish It! #42 and Wordle 129



  1. authorsbmazing · December 3, 2015

    You went in the direction I would have gone. Amazing. Well written and what a great story! Thanks so much!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. authorsbmazing · December 3, 2015

    Reblogged this on Author S B Mazing and commented:
    I guess you get what you deserve…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. luckyjc007 · December 4, 2015

    One mistake can totally ruin your life! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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